.. title: Another year, another start: Glider Swirley and APU CSFC .. slug: another-year-another-start-nullcon-hackim-and-glider-swirley .. date: 2013/02/05 22:56:57 .. tags: CTF, nullcon, HackIM, WriteUps .. link: .. description: Summary of nullcon HackIM CTF, a little about Glider Swirley and APU CSFC. So, who/what is APU CSFC? *APU CSFC* - `Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation `_'s **Cyber Security & Forensics Club**. How is `GliderSwirley `_ associated/affiliated with APU CSFC? GliderSwirley was formed out of that same university and the same core members who run APU CSFC as well. We were unsatisfied with how there was a lack of Information Security and Forensics awareness, so we thought, the first step towards learning about InfoSec is to participate in CTFs and do InfoSec stuff. Thus, GliderSwirley has been participating in CTFs with only 3-4 persons for a little over 3 months and a few months before APU CSFC was officialised/founded in APU. We do welcome other rookie players to collaborate with us as well. :) The start of this year for GliderSwirley was pretty much *awesome*, to be honest, managed to grow to a 6 person team and participated in `nullcon HackIM CTF `_, scored 5200 points and placed 23rd overall. Not bad for the 0xn00bs, eh? :P [Note] There will be a series of writeups for the challenges we've managed to solve at HackIM CTF following this post.