HackIM 2013 - RE 100 WriteUp | APU CSFC

Posted: 2013-02-06 00:48   |  More posts about CTF nullcon HackIM WriteUps

RE 1 Description: - challenge-1 - challenge.do

So, after downloading challenge.do and opening it up, we were presented with this:


Upon inspection, MavJS pointed out that it was Perl code. Further hints shed light that it was obfuscated Perl code that we were looking at. So, a little bit of Google searching and I stumbled upon this site. Following the instructions on the site, I fired up the Terminal and ran the script and deobfuscated Perl code appeared:

naavinm@naavinm:~/Desktop$ perl -MO=Deparse script.pl | perltidy > newscript.pl
script.pl syntax OK

naavinm@naavinm:~/Desktop$ cat newscript.pl
'' =~
/(?{eval"use strict;use warnings;if(\$#ARGV==2)\{if(\$ARGV[0].\$ARGV[1]eq\$ENV\{'USER'\})\{print\"Flag='GoldenDaysAreBack'\"\}\}"})/;
$: = 'P';
$~ = 'h';
$^ = 'r';
$/ = 'n';
$, = 'U';

And the flag is: GoldenDaysAreBack.

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