HackIM 2013 - Programming 100 WriteUp | APU CSFC

Posted: 2013-03-02 04:36   |  More posts about CTF nullcon HackIM WriteUps

Programming 1 - 100 points

Description: Calculate 150000th Fibonacci series, and flag is sum of the alternate numbers from answers.

We interpreted the question as: Calculate 150000th Fibonacci series, rather than the original. ;)

package fibonacchi;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.math.BigInteger;

final static int Fibonacchi_term=150000; // The Term that we are looking for.

public class Fibonacchi {

    /** * @param args the command line arguments  */
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // TODO code application logic here
        BigInteger obj1 = new BigInteger("0"); // Fibonachi's First Term
        BigInteger obj2 = new BigInteger("1"); // Fibonachi's Second Term
        BigInteger obj3; // Fibonachi's Third term and so on until 150,000's Term
        for(int n=1;n<=(Fibonacchi_term-2);n++) // 150,000 Term - 2 which is stated from obj1 and obj2 from the beginning which is 0 and 1.
        File fileobj = new File("output.txt"); // Exporting the result to an external file named output.txt, reason being the number is huge.
        PrintWriter output=new PrintWriter(fileobj);
        output.println(obj3); // Print the result of the term into the file.

The reason being that BigInteger was implemented in this code instead of using either int, double or long is because is to prevent an overflow due to the huge number that it is produced at the end of the term's calculation (The maximum value of the data type of long is 9223372036854775807, hence anything higher causes an overflow which in result producing inaccurate answer/FLAG). Therefore, BigInteger is used due to the fact it is able to adjust its size to accommodate the value of the calculation and produce the final answer/FLAG without facing any overflow.

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